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来源:网络资源      2018-07-12 16:54:09


  Jenny Gordon was a very kind and beautiful woman and before she named, many men were in love with her.

  Many of them wrote to her, telling her how wonderful she was, how much they loved her and wanted to marry her.

  Jenny kept all these letters. She tied them up with a red ribbon and put them away in an old box. She never looked at them as she was happily married, however, they were a part of her life and she did not want to threw them away.

  Jenny had a daughter, Sue. Sue was only six.

  One day, Jenny had to leave Sue alone for half an hour.

  "Now be a good girl," she said. "Play quietly. If you need anything, go to the lady next door. "

  When she came back home, she asked Sue, " Have you been a good girl?"

  "Oh, yes, Mommy," Sue said.

  "What did you do while I was out?" Jenny asked her.

  "I played mailman," Sue told her.

  "How could you play mailman, darling!"Jenny asked. "You didn't have any letters. "

  "Oh, yes I did, Mommy," Sue said. "I found some in an old box upstairs. They were tied up with a red ribbon. I put one in every mailbox in the street. Wasn't I a good girl?"


  (     )6. Many men wanted to marry Jenny because she was _________ when she was young.

  A. pretty    B. young    C. happy    D. friendly

  (     )7. Why didn't Jenny want to throw the letters?

  A. Because she was unhappy.    B. Because she wanted to read again and again.

  C. Because she wanted her daughter to read when she grew up.

  D. Because she wanted to keep them with her.

  (    )8. Her daughter, Sue, put all the letters in the mailbox because

  A. she didn't like the letters.

  B. she didn't want her mother to keep them.

  C. she wanted to play as a mailman.

  D. she was alone at home while her mother was out.

  (    )9. What does the word "ribbon" probably mean?

  A.绳子      B. 丝带      C. 夹子      D. 盒子

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